I know some of you were a little curious about this interesting IWB (inside-waistband) holster, the Crossbreed SuperTuck Deluxe. I believe Mark asked to let you all know how it is after a few months. I have only had it a few weeks but have to comment. My son keeps taking it from me when I least expect it. We both love it!
I am telling you guys this is really a great holster. It is the most comfortable holster I have run into. I am going to get the IWB magazine holster they have, just because.
We ordered the Super Tuck Deluxe for my son Steven for his birthday so he would leave mine alone.
I was going to get a Bianchi 3S, and it is cheaper in price but he is sold on this holster as well. He has got to have the Super Tuck Deluxe and doesn't even want to entertain anything else. After all why not, he ain't paying for it! 
What do I see in my humble opinion that makes this holster my choice and why would I recommend it to anyone else?
- Comfort
It is very comfortable, after you get the leather worn in. They recommend to condition the side of the leather against your body. I used mink oil and it does soften the leather and it conditioned the leather as well as water- (sweat-) proof it. The leather has formed to fit the shape of my strong side and rides great! 
- Security
The gun really is secure. It will not come loose because of snaps coming undone and the gun falling free. It just cannot happen. Perry suspenders help keeping my pants up and the weight of the rig from pulling my pants down. Steven however finds he does not need suspenders. The Super Tuck Deluxe rides just fine on him and does not cause his britches to fall down like it does with Dad! 
- Concealment & Speed
Whether you use a cover garment or tuck your shirt tail over the gun and into the smartly designed tuck for your shirt tail, the gun is concealed. With a little practice you really can access the weapon very quick. 
- Durability
The set up is very durable. I have slept with the gun on my hip and laid on the gun and the holster held together. I would go on to said you could run over the whole thing with a truck and it would hold together. The Kydex plastic as every one knows is very strong. For the record, I will not be running over my holster anytime soon to proove my words! 
- Last but not the least
Even during the hottest part of the year, now as I write this, I am carrying a full size, hi-capacity automatic 24/7 instead of a pocket gun like a S&W J-frame .38, Ruger LCP, Ruger LC9, Taurus Slim 709, or any other handgun that would fit into my pocket. What is my point? I like having my big G22 with me instead of only my S&W 642 all the time.
Now, the downfalls....and in my opinion there are only two:
My G22's grip does stick out just enough that it does print. I do not really have to worry about my endorsement (carry license) as Missouri does not consider printing a problem. A friend of mine has a G27 and I am going to try it in my Super Tuck Deluxe Holster and see if that solves that problem as soon as we get together.
(editor: this is a major problem for most of us, and might rule out the Super Tuck, at least with a full-size Glock 22. Perhaps a Glock 23 would work better?)
- The Price.
By the time I paid shipment, handling and Missouri State tax it was a little over $80.00
If you are the type to compromise quality for price than this would be a problem for you. I honestly I have alway preached not to let the cost stop you if that product is what it takes to give you the confidence that you are well-armed--never to compromise on the weapon, the ammo or any other accessory one needs. Cutting corners just ain't smart. But, if you can save a buck and something does work for you, then go for it! I won't think bad about cha!
I love the Super Tuck Deluxe and strongly recommend it if you are looking for a quality IWB holster.
In the name of my Glock, my rear end's saviour,

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