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Post-shooting Assessment
bad guy down--what next? - Uploader: Mark Freburg |
Defensive Training
Organizing and prioritizing your personal training - Uploader: Mark Freburg |
Rock River Arms LAR-15
A review by Kim Foster - Uploader: Mark Freburg |
Training with Olive Security
Officer Kim Foster attends a class at Olive Security Training Center - Uploader: Mark Freburg |
The Glock 27
Is Glock's smallest .40S&W pistol the ideal small carry gun? - Uploader: Mark Freburg |
Tactical Handgun 101
Chuck Hubbert trains with Randy Cain of Cumberland Tactics and reports for us - Uploader: Mark Freburg |
Testing the M16 Rifle
Police training and testing with the M16 Rifle - Uploader: Mark Freburg |
Why You Should Belong to NRA
the author suggests several reasons why you should be a member of the National Rifle Association - Uploader: Mark Freburg |
Your local gun shop
the author suggests several good reasons for supporting your local stocking gun dealer - Uploader: Mark Freburg |
Kel-Tec P3AT
Is this a pistol you should depend on as your primary life-saver? - Uploader: Mark Freburg |
Watch Out For Fads
Fads unduly affect concealed carry handguns as much as anything else - Uploader: Mark Freburg |
First Things First
The most important first "defense" decision you must make - Uploader: Mark Freburg |
Revolvers & Semi-auto
A primer for beginners. Is one better than the other? - Uploader: Mark Freburg |
Handgun Prep
How to prepare your new handgun for defensive duties - Uploader: Mark Freburg |
Double Action Technique
Shooting a DA pistol without a lot of cursing and complaining - Uploader: Mark Freburg |
Handgun Skills Test
A good way to test yourself with a handgun and chart your improvement - Uploader: Mark Freburg |
Home Defense Shotguns
Some thoughts on the shotgun as a home defense weapon - Uploader: Mark Freburg |
Why the .40S&W?
An editorial about why the forty is a good choice for self-defense - Uploader: Mark Freburg |
Concealment Holsters
A detailed look at holsters for concealed carry - Uploader: Mark Freburg |
Shooting Schools: A Primer
Kim Foster fills you in on what to take and what to expect - Uploader: Mark Freburg |