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Photo From: Mark Freburg - Album: Advertising & Posters

Description: New for 2020 print ad showing the "Kimber Rapide."  How appropriate that Kimber would take the name of a European Express train and applies this to their new, what, competition pistol?  One must assume this is a competition pistol, although the ledge sights are pretty much a tactical feature.  Of course these things tend to bleed back and forth, and I have to confess that I'm judging the buyer of a pistol such as this and thinking that one who would buy a Kimber Rapide is all about the cool factor above all.  Surely no one really thinks those miscellaneous cuts here and there on the pistol are of any true value in "running" the pistol, or as we said in my day, usng the pistol.  Or maybe they do.  At any rate, I suppose I should be happy that Kimber and others still use the best pistol platform out there, the 1911, to build such atrocious monstrosities and hang such silly names on them.  Long live the 1911. Roll Eyes Uploaded: 2/24/2020 by Mark Freburg
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