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Click image to enlarge.38 Super New Wood

Photo From: Mark Freburg - Album: Handguns--Modern

Description: After finding EAA out of stock for a long time, yet finding nothing elsewhere, I stumbled across these walnut Tanfoglio stocks on EAA's web site. Mostly stippled, but smooth just along the back only, with Tanfoglio engraved on them. Probably a good tactical design. Not my favorite look, and the company name was not too neatly engraved (machine done no doubt), but most any wood beats plastic any day, and they were cheap: $40 + $10 shipping), so I bought them. This photo lacks any artistry, but seems to show the stocks fairly. Any comments welcome. The original black plastic stocks can be found in this same image section.

Uploaded: 10/9/2018 by Mark Freburg
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