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Glock Donates $50,000 to C.O.P.S. - Description: This marks the fifth consecutive year that GLOCK, Inc., has donated to C.O.P.S., |
FBI Releases LEOKA for 2010 - Description: The 2010 Edition of Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted Released Today |
"Fast and Furious" Subpoena Issued - Description: Over 2000 weapons just walk and two come up at the crime scene of murdered U.S Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry |
Update on "Fast and Furious" - Description: Supoenas on the way... Soon |
National Carry Under Attack - Description: H.R. 822, the "National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act of 2011," running into problems |
A New National Treasure - Description: Smith and Wesson Model 640 Found in the WTC Rubble |
Body Count Is Rising - Description: Three More Murders - Weapons are linked to ATF's Controversial "Fast and Furious" Operation |
Conceal Carry Across State Lines - Description: US Lawmakers Considering a Bill to all Conceal Carry Permit Holders to Carry Across All State Lines |
CA Police Criticized - Description: California Police Criticized for Letting Kids Hold Automatic Weapons |
Police Departments upgrade to S&W - Description: WV State Police and Wyoming Highway Patrol Upgrade to S&W Pistols |
CSF's Annual August Recess Shoot - Description: More than 120 beginners and experienced sport shooters compete in Glendale, MD |
Concealed Carry in KS - Description: The Sedgwick County Commissioner Believes Prohibitions Are An Infringment |
Retention and Backup Guns - Description: Officer with no backup gun has a close call when his pistol is disabled. |
U.N. Gun Control Effort - Description: The NRA reports where the U.S. Senate stands on the U.N. effort to control guns |
Announcement by COR-BON/Glaser - Description: September 1, 2011 new prices by COR-BON/Glaser |
New Hampshire's Self-Defense Bill - Description: New Hampshire Governor Vetoes Self-Defense Bill |
Rick Perry vs. the Constitution - Description: The Texas Governor is challenged on the First Amendment, while he takes a stand on the Second Amendment. |
Defunding multiple gun reporting - Description: The Amendment to defund Obama's illegal multiple firearm sales reporting is passed |
Multiple Gun Sales - Description: The Justice Department will proceed with a controversial firearms sales report procedure |
U,N, Arms Trade Treaty - Description: NRA to attend UN Arms Trade Treaty Preparatory Committee Meeting |