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ConsumerCONSUMER SAFETY FOR FIREARMS IN NEW HAMPSHIRE February 28, 2001, NEW HAMPSHIRE: House Bill number 736, a virtual copy of the Massachusetts Firearm Consumer Safety Act(MFCSA), threatens NH gun owners and users with increased surveillance and paperwork. "The MFCSA has all but destroyed the 2nd Amendment in that state. Consumer safety does not mean that we regulate the right to own firearms from the honest citizen's of New Hampshire who don't already own one. Although from the text of this bill, the sponsors of this bill will be coming after current firearms owners next. Firearms have not been found to be unsafe in functionality but only when used irresponsibly or illegally. We have new laws on safe storage of firearms and on safety requirements for hunting....All this bill will do is limit the ability of NH residents to take advantage of our second amendment rights.", says one opponent. H.B. 736 calls for load indicators to tell people if a firearm is loaded or not. It further eliminates the ability of a firearm owner to LEND a firearm to someone without going through a licensed firearm dealer and retaining the Name, Address, and Social Security number or other identification number of the transferee. Critics charge, "If enacted in its present form, H.B. 736 would create a State Listing of every future firearm owner but it also creates a State Listing of every citizen that borrows a firearm." H.B. 736 is apparently in response to recent workplace shootings in MA, and it an attempt to force gun regulation through CPS law. To date, benchmark case decisions have held firearms manufactured within accepted industry standards do not violate CPC laws if injury results from misuse. "Live Free or Die", the NH State Motto, (itself under assualt by 'invaders' fleeing high MA taxes) is again under assault by the same demographic groups, much to the consternation of long-time residents.

Uploaded: 3/3/2001