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I probably enjoy shooting these guns the most:
Poll Date: 8/25/2007
The ever-increasing price of ammo has
Poll Date: 8/3/2007
Do you wear corrective lenses when shooting?
Poll Date: 8/3/2007
Who makes your favorite gun cleaning gear (not chemicals)?
Poll Date: 8/3/2007
Small-frame snub-nosed revolvers like the Taurus 85, S&W J-frame, Ruger SP101, etc., are:
Poll Date: 8/1/2007
If I were starting fresh I would most likely buy the following progressive press:
Poll Date: 8/1/2007
How often do you use a gunsmith?
Poll Date: 8/1/2007
Do you enjoy recoil?
Poll Date: 7/26/2007
I own the following double-action revolvers:
Poll Date: 7/25/2007
I own the following plastic pistols:
Poll Date: 7/18/2007
I do the greatest majority of my shooting with:
Poll Date: 7/16/2007
What shooting activity(s) would you most like to be more involved in?
Poll Date: 7/10/2007
Factory ammunition has, on the whole, become outrageously expensive.
Poll Date: 7/4/2007
I think the most popular specific firearm today must be the:
Poll Date: 6/29/2007
I think the overall most popular firearms today have got to be:
Poll Date: 6/25/2007
Have you acquired a brand new firearm in 2007?
Poll Date: 6/21/2007
I *usually* go shooting:
Poll Date: 6/9/2007
The bulk of my handloading equipment is:
Poll Date: 6/4/2007
Which .22 rifle would you prefer?
Poll Date: 6/4/2007
As compared to most hobbies and sports, shooting is quite expensive.
Poll Date: 5/31/2007