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Do you own a high quality rimfire rifle?
Poll Date: 2/9/2006
What percentage of your shooting time is devoted to rimfires?
Poll Date: 2/9/2006
How do you prefer to buy shooting supplies?
Poll Date: 2/8/2006
How many Smith & Wesson handguns do you own?
Poll Date: 2/4/2006
"Overall, both gun laws and gun attitudes of the public are moving in a pro-gun direction."
Poll Date: 2/2/2006
How does the passing of Winchester, the M70, M94, etc., affect you? Choose the response you most agree with.
Poll Date: 1/29/2006
The new "short magnum" rifle cartridges are great
Poll Date: 1/22/2006
Would you rather have a new gun chambered for a cartridge you already own, or one in an entirely new cartridge?
Poll Date: 1/18/2006
I find the following to be the LEAST interesting activities in the shooting world:
Poll Date: 1/10/2006
When it comes to plastic-framed pistols...
Poll Date: 1/8/2006
Which statement best describes you and gun politics?
Poll Date: 12/29/2005
Those new guns you might buy in '06...will they most likely be...
Poll Date: 12/28/2005
Will you buy any guns in 06?
Poll Date: 12/22/2005
I think of myself primarily as a...
Poll Date: 12/19/2005
My favorite 7/8 x14 handloading dies are made by:
Poll Date: 12/16/2005
Do you expect to receive any shooting stuff as holiday gifts?
Poll Date: 12/14/2005
Do you own a double-action revolver?
Poll Date: 12/9/2005
Do you own a single-action revolver?
Poll Date: 12/6/2005
Do you keep any long guns specifically for defensive use?
Poll Date: 12/3/2005
The best choice for a single home defense firearm is
Poll Date: 11/15/2005