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Have you ever attended a Friends of the NRA banquet?
Poll Date: 9/17/2005
Which is most often true?
Poll Date: 9/11/2005
How do you carry your self-defense handgun?
Poll Date: 9/6/2005
Would you ever break the law prohibiting carry in a certain location?
Poll Date: 9/1/2005
Could you shoot and kill another human being under certain circumstances?
Poll Date: 8/29/2005
What sort of handgun ammo would you recommend for self-defense?
Poll Date: 8/25/2005
Which of the following popular guns would you most likely recommend for concealed carry?
Poll Date: 8/20/2005
My favorite general interest gunzine is:
Poll Date: 8/16/2005
Do you like electronic handloading gear?
Poll Date: 8/11/2005
Do you own a 1911-style pistol?
Poll Date: 8/4/2005
Do you own a Kahr?
Poll Date: 7/25/2005
Do you own a Glock?
Poll Date: 7/25/2005
For whatever reason you choose, which do you prefer most?
Poll Date: 7/13/2005
What is your favorite shooting sport?
Poll Date: 7/3/2005
How many different specific "carries" do you utilize?
Poll Date: 6/27/2005
In self-defense, which factor is most important?
Poll Date: 6/23/2005
What are your favorite shotgun gauges or calibers?
Poll Date: 6/17/2005
When it comes to personal protection weapons and gear I prefer the term:
Poll Date: 6/12/2005
How interested are you generally in the latest self-defense guns?
Poll Date: 6/9/2005
How interested are you in handloading?
Poll Date: 6/4/2005