7/13/2022 9:06:03 PM
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Section 8: Handguns Subject: S&W 500 wierd Grips Msg# 1163604
I agree, that is not something I would ever EVER shoot. | ||||||
For reference, the above message is a reply to a message where: I would NOT want to pull that trigger! Image below from TJ Parmele - Image Title: S&W 500 wierd Grips Image Info: S&W 500 with a set of pre-war K-frame round-butt service grips (with the medallions, even). What better idea than to put a set of 100-year-old grips on a 1-year-old gun? Source:https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/418378_10101142987266213_1271681651_n.jpg |