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Having a gun is not enough
give some serious thought to what gun you choose - Uploader: Mark Freburg |
Choosing caliber & ammunition
advice on choosing the best caliber handgun and the best ammunition to feed it - Uploader: Mark Freburg |
+P Ammunition
What is it and why use it? A simple look at understanding +P - Uploader: Mark Freburg |
The Kel-Tec P32
This is a defense gun? Stu Wayne gives us his savvy analysis... - Uploader: Mark Freburg |
Cleaning Milsurps
Taking your military rifle from the rack to the range - Uploader: Mark Freburg |
Making Steel Targets
Kim Foster explains how he went about making his own steel targets for rifles and pistols - Uploader: Mark Freburg |
Choosing a Cowboy Sixgun
Choosing a cowboy sixgun: Beretta, Ruger, Taurus. Herb Schlossberg reviews all three. - Uploader: Mark Freburg |
Firearms Forum Get-together 2005
Firearms Forum Get-together 2005 in words and photos - Uploader: Mark Freburg |
A Plea for Shorter Strings
Stu Wayne wants IDPA to get back to real life basics - Uploader: Mark Freburg |
Barrel Break-in
Dale Mullin takes an-depth look at breaking in a brand new rifle barrel - Uploader: Mark Freburg |
Choosing the Carry Gun
Some often overlooked common sense comments on choosing your defensive handgun - Uploader: Mark Freburg |
Appeasing Handgun Control
Dale Mullin tells why appeasement is always a bad idea for gun owners - Uploader: Mark Freburg |
Why I Love Smith & Wessons
Smith & Wesson auto pistols--better than you think - Uploader: Mark Freburg |
Forum Meet 2004: Indy
Rundown on the forum get-together in Indianapolis, Indiana, August 2004 - Uploader: Mark Freburg |
Blackening Colored Sights
An easy and permanent way to blacken colored sights at home - Uploader: Mark Freburg |
.45GAP vs .45ACP
One long-time gunzine writer does an apples-to-apples comparison...or does he? - Uploader: Mark Freburg |
Repealing gun bans
An individual proves the non-confrontational way is often the best way to move governments - Uploader: Mark Freburg |
Why I Love Rugers
An unabashed ode to the many firearms of Sturm-Ruger & Company - Uploader: Mark Freburg |
Ballistic Fingerprinting
Thoughts and concerns on ballistic fingerprinting from Stu Wayne. - Uploader: Stu Wayne |
Raging Against Self Defense
A psychiatrist looks at understanding the anti-gunners - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |