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What most closely represents your opinion on the .40S&W cartridge? (thx HG)
Poll Date: 7/18/2020
If you had to carry a 1911 for self-defense, which of the following would you carry?
Poll Date: 7/13/2020
Which Smith & Wesson handguns do you most prefer?
Poll Date: 7/3/2020
How close is the USA to an open, armed civil conflict between conservatives and liberals/socialists?
Poll Date: 6/26/2020
With 2020 being very unusual in terms of the virus scare and riots over racial injustice, have you *seriously* changed your ammunition stockpiling habits?
Poll Date: 6/19/2020
Do you own firearms you have not fired?
Poll Date: 6/13/2020
Do you have an "I Want" List of guns?
Poll Date: 6/6/2020
On a 1 to 5 scale--How often do you acquire items you end up never using--gun or shooting accessories, scopes, ammo, holsters, etc.?
Poll Date: 5/31/2020
If you could only have ONE rifle for hunting what caliber would it be? (RB)
Poll Date: 3/27/2020
How many take-down firearms do you own? (TJ)
Poll Date: 3/27/2020
Is Ammo Commonality for both handguns and long guns important to you? (TJ)
Poll Date: 3/27/2020
What is your choice for ammo commonality for handgun and long gun? (TJ)
Poll Date: 3/27/2020
Do you believe pistol caliber carbines are a viable home defense option? (TJ)
Poll Date: 3/27/2020
Which is the most interesting milsurp cartridge? (TJ)
Poll Date: 3/26/2020
Which of these listed was the most influential military rifle? (TJ)
Poll Date: 3/26/2020
Which of these is your favorite in-between eras rifle? (TJ/MF)
Poll Date: 3/26/2020
What is your favorite battle rifle? (TJ)
Poll Date: 3/26/2020
If you had limited funds ($300) and could own only 1 handgun from this list, which one would you choose. (HG)
Poll Date: 3/26/2020
What is your favorite hunting season? (RB)
Poll Date: 3/25/2020
If machineguns did not require a tax stamp, would you acquire one? (HG)
Poll Date: 3/25/2020