![]() ![]() Section 4: Guns/General Subject: Buyer Beware? Msg# 1219272
I'm done offering help to Gun Broker sellers. Some seem to appreciate it, but with others I'm wasting my time.
My sentiments exactly. I've tried to correct or inform sellers and it just doesn't matter to most of them, as I rarely got a response, a thank you, or an F--- You Know It All. Harvey |
For reference, the above message is a reply to a message where: I'm done offering help to Gun Broker sellers. Some seem to appreciate it, but with others I'm wasting my time. I recently sent an email to a seller who said that a Ruger Service-six was probably made for a foreign government because it was chambered for ".380 Rimmed," or as you and I know it, .38S&W. I wrote that these were made for the government of India. He didn't even reply to my email. Oh, I can see his position--he wasn't wrong, his info was just incomplete, and from his point of view he couldn't know if I was correct or just speculating. (I've seen actual documentation, but he wouldn't know that.) I was going to advise another seller that a Llama pistol he was selling as a "9mm Luger" was actually a 9mm Largo (there are clear ways to tell from the markings on the guns). My thought was that a buyer looking for a shooter might be disappointed. I ran this one by Eric, and he suggested I not bother, as most likely buyers would be collectors who would know more than the seller anyway. Good point. That got me thinking--it's just not my job to offer information to these sellers. If they can't be bothered to research what they're selling, then I guess it really is buyer beware, eh? Thought? Comments? |