![]() ![]() Section 4: Guns/General Subject: Buyer Beware? Msg# 1220828
Had another experience where I thought I was helping a guy on Gun Broker. He titled his auction ".28 Special" something something. Mental slip, as of course in his description he managed to get it right and called it a .38 Special. I politely called it to his attention as it was the title, and many people don't look past the title--or they judge the seller based on the title, and I didn't hear anything. I just noticed, several days later, that the auction is still titled ".28 Special." ![]() |
For reference, the above message is a reply to a message where: I'm done offering help to Gun Broker sellers. Some seem to appreciate it, but with others I'm wasting my time. I recently sent an email to a seller who said that a Ruger Service-six was probably made for a foreign government because it was chambered for ".380 Rimmed," or as you and I know it, .38S&W. I wrote that these were made for the government of India. He didn't even reply to my email. Oh, I can see his position--he wasn't wrong, his info was just incomplete, and from his point of view he couldn't know if I was correct or just speculating. (I've seen actual documentation, but he wouldn't know that.) I was going to advise another seller that a Llama pistol he was selling as a "9mm Luger" was actually a 9mm Largo (there are clear ways to tell from the markings on the guns). My thought was that a buyer looking for a shooter might be disappointed. I ran this one by Eric, and he suggested I not bother, as most likely buyers would be collectors who would know more than the seller anyway. Good point. That got me thinking--it's just not my job to offer information to these sellers. If they can't be bothered to research what they're selling, then I guess it really is buyer beware, eh? Thought? Comments? |