![]() ![]() Section 22: Military Topics Subject: IDF 3 Msg# 1147474
Any thoughts on my comments about the US military?
Still, in our country, I hear fairly strong opinions, especially from soldiers, current and recently separated, that they don't want females in the infantry, where fighting really takes place. I don't deny that a woman has the guts and courage, for example, to fly a fighter jet as a well as a man, but I understand that this isn't the same as ground combat. And as one who still believes the sexes are different, and for good reason, it seems to me that the infantry being composed of men is not unreasonable, even in this liberated day and age. The US military is being pushed by political correctness, diversity and inclusion forces to treat women soldiers as equals to men soldiers across the board, in all functions and MOS. Experiments like putting women through Ranger Training haven't worked very well, but the brass ("The perfumed Princes of the Pentagon" as the late Col. David Hackworth called them) put spin on the results and continue to try to lower standards. Upper body strength is the big divide, although women can improve theirs with training and workouts, but most men in the Rangers and other SpecOps units bulk up beyond what most women can achieve. Many male soldiers fear that having a woman as their infantry combat partner will cause them to be overly protective or overly supportive of the women to their own detriment. And there's the sexual attraction issue as well. The question today of "can an American woman be a warrior" is nonsense, because at the present time there is no need for it IMO. The present push is basically political correctness gone hyper. In the case of Israel it's a necessity because of the small population being surrounded by potential adversaries. Women in the Army and Marines go through Basic Training where they learn which end of the gun to point at the enemy, and that training could be further enhanced if ever necessary. That may eventually be the case as the movement to make women eligible for the Draft is making noise again. Right now, that 's a straw man simply because there is no Draft. Harvey |
For reference, the above message is a reply to a message where: Thanks for the info. Any thoughts on my comments about the US military? |