8/16/2019 12:10:32 PM
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Section 9: Military Weapons Subject: M1 Carbine Msg# 1053928
Interestingly enough, the .30 M1 Carbine round is the one exception to U.S. WWII ammo in that it was non-corrisively primed from the very beginning, so there is no U.S.-made corrosive ammo in existence, never was.
That said, I must add the caveat that there is always a chance that foreign governments may have made corrosive carbine ammo because our govt gave out huge numbers of carbines to countries like South Korea, which were eventually re-imported. (I have one, had a chance for a carbine cheap when I was young ). These foreign gvernments must have made their own ammo. Would American companies have ever imported foreign M1 Carbine ammo? I'd say unlikely, but it's easy enough to check headstamps. Korean would be headstamped for Poonsong Metal Corp most likely (PMC), although not to be confused with current Non/corr commercial PMC. |
For reference, the above message is a reply to a message where: My guess is the rounds will go BANG when you pull the trigger, maybe somebody else with more knowledge can comment. I have fired military ammo from 1929 and it shot just fine. Be sure to clean the bore after using it as primers could be corrosive. |