![]() ![]() Section 11: Tactical / Training Subject: Unarmed Response? Msg# 1017772
Fighting is about Mindset, Skill and Physical Conditioning. Mindset being the most important part. If you lack the will to fight or fail to get in the fight quick enough, you’re going to lose. You must understand that there are truly evil people out there that are willing and eager to commit violence against you for little or no reason. To overcome them you must be perfectly willing to meet violence with violence. This must show in your speech, your body language and facial expressions as well as your actions. Unfortunately, mind set can not be learned in a class room or a Dojo. You cannot teach mind set the way you teach a tactical reload or clearing a room. Mind set is something you have to learn the hard way, through life’s experiences. You can show somebody how to defend themselves and the why & when. You can tell someone to be brutal, to not hesitate. To keep on fighting even if injured, to fight until you’ve won, but you cannot adequately indoctrinate them so that they won’t freeze, hesitate or show fear when the real moment comes. Some people have it, some don’t, period. To learn mind set you have to practice it every day. That means being more ruthless, more brutal less trusting and quicker to use violence than the other guy. The gun is just a tool, you are the weapon. Unfortunately, this is where most people, not just soccer moms loose the fight. Your average cubicle-drone adult hasn’t been in a fight since high school and just isn’t prepared for violence. Skill can be broken down into 2 parts. Stand up and Ground Fighting. For our purposes you want to avoid going to the ground because that limits your ability to escape and our primary objective here is to escape more than win. Also, if your opponent has a buddy and you are on the ground, your day just got a whole lot worse. Physical Conditioning. Like real animals, human predators select the old and weak. This is where being armed is crucial. If you are not armed and are not in fighting shape, you should look for an improvised weapon. |
For reference, the above message is a reply to a message where: This photo came up on the Home Page Photo array, and, perhaps not surprisingly, I still believe gun magazines are guilty of showing just the same sort of wishful thinking behavior in their photos as they were in 2015. I also believe my comments in the photo caption still stand as accurate. I don't fault the WISH in these photos, of course, but do these articles ever really emphasize what is needed to RESPOND like this? Is Sally Soccer Mom really up to this response? In 2018 I still say she is not. However, I'm more willing now than in 2015 to say that the woman reading a GUN magazine is not the same Condition White Female as Sally Soccer Mom might be expected to be, and our gun magazine-reading woman might indeed HAVE read Principles of Personal Defense--and taken it to heart! One can always hope! I still hate photos like this in grocery store newsstand magazines, tho'.... Image below from Mark Freburg - Image Title: photos Image Info: Does this photo really show a realistic response for the average person? Maybe, but you better have read and digested Jeff Cooper's Principles of Personal Defense beforehand, otherwise you'll never get to this point in an actual encounter! Without a "fight to the death attitude" when faced with deadly force, you'll be ready for a body bag in a scene like the one pictured here. Unfortunately, magazine articles on topics like unarmed self-defense make it sound like anyone with a ballpoint pen or a cell phone is practically a U.S. Marine against any armed attacker just for having these feeble weapons. It isn't the weapons, it's the willingness to defend yourself by going on the offensive. Larger image available! Click image to see it. ![]() |